COSine 2024 Status Report #4

COSine 2024 will be January 19-21, 2024 at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Colorado Springs.

I hope you all had a happy Merry!

Hard to believe, but COSine 2024 is barely 3 weeks away! This brings with it a few deadlines:

  • Technically, the deadline to register for the reduced pre-show rates expires at midnight on December 31st, 2023. I say technically because the site may give you a few extra days to register. Or it may just turn into a large, orange-hued vegetable. Who can say? You can register for the con here.
  • And the reduced rate for the hotel is only available through January 4th. There are also a limited number of rooms left, so if you want to stay, you might want to follow the instructions here.
    We’ve also had a handful of people reach out to ask if we might know someone looking to share a room (or a ride to/from the airport). If you are interested, drop us a line at and will do our best to bring you together with others.

The schedule for the convention is now done (for some value of done that handles the indeterminacy field surrounding conventions) and we are pretty excited about this year’s programming! You can also check out the list of participants (If you think you might be a participant, but haven’t received your schedule yet, please check here and/or your spam folder :-).

And, a quick reminder of our guests:

  • Catherine Asaro – Award-winning author of the Lost Continent series, the Major Bhaajan mysteries and the Skolian Empire series, amongst others.
  • Steve Leininger – Our science GoH is the engineer who created the TRS-80 in 1977! Now “retired” he is an active maker with a long list of interests.
  • Jim Humble – Our Artist GoH is known for both the cute and the fierce and scary. His fuzzy kittens are adorable and his Lovecraftian horrors…aren’t.
  • Connie Willis –SFWA Grand Master and friend of the convention.
  • Courtney Willis – Dr. Science!

And a very happy birthday to Connie, whose birthday is on Sunday!

Looking forward to seeing you really soon!

Morland, Arlen, Karen, Eli, Richard

The COSine Con Com