
COSine is a literary-focused science fiction convention that has been running in Colorado Springs since 2004. It is run by First Friday Fandom. While we enjoy TV, movies, games, and comics as much as the next science fiction and fantasy fan, we wanted to keep the focus on the books and stories that first captured our hearts and drew us to the genre.

A goal for our convention is to provide an opportunity to really meet and chat with our guests of honor, and with local authors, in a more informal and intimate setting than bigger conventions can offer. Thus we feature a well-stocked con suite with room for everyone–participants and attendees alike–to hang out. The author reception and mass autographing is another chance to meet attending authors, along with the various program tracks that run during the con.

Our first guest, in 2004, was Barbara Hambly. Since then, our guests have included Joe Haldeman, Sharon Lee, Steve Miller, Connie Willis, Mike Resnick, George R. R. Martin, L.E. Modesitt, Sharon Shinn, Charles Stross, S.M. Stirling, Nathan Lowell, Wil McCarthy, Jim Butcher, Jo Walton, Jody Lynn Nye, Carrie Vaughn, Eric Flint and C.J. Cherryh. We also frequently have science guests of honor.

We are famous (world-famous in Colorado Springs) for our relaxed atmosphere, our fantastic art show, and our liquid‑nitrogen ice‑cream!

2023 Convention Committee

  • Morland Gonsoulin – Co-chair
  • Arlen Feldman – Co-chair
  • Karen Jordan – Ottoman
  • Richard Karsh – Chair-emeritus
  • Eli Roa – Anti-chair