First Friday Fandom Minutes: September 3, 2021

First Friday Fandom Meeting Minutes: 9/3/2021

Attending: Eli, Cait, Arlen, Morland, Karen, Erin, Jack, Don, Lisa, Tim, Dave
Zoom: Joe, Wes, Kent, Mem, Rosa, Richard, Cyndi, Keith, Sheila, Richard

Presiding: Meeting called to order by Eli – 8:21pm

President’s Report: Eli – NTR

Vice President’s Report: Jack – Jack has books.

Secretary’s Report: Morland – Minutes of previous Meeting posted to Facebook. And posted to Website!

Social Media Secretary’s Report: Eli. Website still says “Zoom only”…need to change that.

Treasurer’s Report: Lisa – We have money.

Trustees Report: Karen – NTR

Book Committee: Erin – NTR. Mem – Tinyurl doesn’t work anymore. Karen will fix. (New book list link:

Photo Committee: Joe – NTR

Refreshments Committee: We are refreshed.

COSine 2022: Arlen/Morland (CoChairs) – We have 38 people signed up and 11 dealers tables so far. Will send out the Participant Survey in the next couple of days. Will also send out a new status report letting folks know that we’re having it, sponsoring the MileHiCon Con Suite for 2 hours, Eli will be manning the COSine table. Bringing bottled water and other stuff. Will also use MHC as a “test case” to see how everything goes with current (COVID) situation. Ordering new ribbons. Been putting up flyers; there is a spreadsheet for each place where flyers are. Flyer for Whimsy Con. Ordered new Square reader. Need to go to storage locker for inventory – and to test microphones, cables, etc. – Sep 19 around noon. Eli will perform testing. Connor is not able to do gaming this year; we’re looking for an able replacement. Dealer’s Room is starting to fill up (The Else’s will be there!) T-shirt Dealer?
Lisa, Kent and Mary will not be here in Nov/Dec.

President’s Question:
Have we booked a boardroom at the hotel for the January meeting (as usual)? Do we want to do that this year?
Mem: YES. (Group concensus is yes.)

Jane Fancher has been pinged on doing Con artwork. (Possibility is low that she will accept.)
Arlen will send Lisa the budget.

Old Business: – Possible bid for Westercon for 2023 is dead due to hotels being unreasonable.
– Minutes being posted on Facebook about corrections.
– Arlen covered update issue with the website

New Business: – Movie meeting for November. (Karen)

Announcements: – Lisa – possible new cat. Eli – SpaceX acquired Swarm. Rosa – The DVSS is having a virtual tea party.

Next Meeting: Friday, October 8th, 2021 – IN PERSON

Book: Farmer in the Sky by Robert A. Heinlein

Adjourn: 9:06pm

Book Discussion: Book: Apocalyse Troll by David Weber.