First Friday Fandom Minutes: April 1st, 2022

First Friday Minutes: 4-1-2022 In-Person and Online

Attending: Eli, Arlen, Morland, Karen, Erin, Rosa, Richard, Mem, Kent, Jack, Tim, Ted, Cyndi, Wes, Dave, Lisa, Don
Zoom: Richard K., Cary, Megan

Presiding: Eli – Called meeting to order at 8:10pm

President’s Report: Eli – NTR

Vice President’s Report: Ted – Periodic report with the state has been filed.

Secretary’s Report: Morland – Minutes of previous Meeting posted!

Social Media Secretary’s Report: Jack – NTR.

Treasurer’s Report: Lisa – We have lots of money.

Trustees Report: Karen – There are no new people showing up.

Book Committee: Erin – There are books.

Photo Committee: Mem – The photo committee has many photos.

Refreshments Committee: We are refreshed.

COSine 2023: Arlen – Sent out an official status report. Website set up to use Square instead of PayPal, along with other improvements. 39 People have signed up so far. Most folks know that the new location for the Con is the Embassy Suites.

Old Business: – NTR

New Business: – WHO needs YOU! (Worldcon Heritage Organization) Need to recruit people on 30th-31st of July to help build displays, etc.

Need to figure out what to do about July meeting.

Announcements: – Karen: Next month author (Lija Fisher) will zoom in to talk to us. Megan says the author has been contacted and will definitely be there. Lisa will not be at the May meeting; she will send in the numbers to Karen for that month if she can get them. Ryan Sanderson’s kickstarter raised $41 million for 4 novels.

Next Meeting: 6 May 2022 at Karen’s House

Book: The Cryptid Catcher, Lija Fisher

Adjourn: 8:30pm

Book Discussion: Book: Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde