First Friday Minutes: 7-2-2022 In-Person and Online
Attending: Karen, Erin, Eli, Cait, Dave, Jack, Tim, Ted, Robin, Cyndi, Wes, Rosa, Richard, Cynthia F., Morland (briefly)
Zoom: Sheila
Presiding: Ted – Called meeting to order at 18:07
President’s Report: Eli – NTR
Vice President’s Report: Ted – NTR
Secretary’s Report: Karen (guest secretary) ~ not sure where June minutes are!
Social Media Secretary’s Report: Jack – NTR.
Treasurer’s Report: Eli (on Lisa’s behalf) – We have money.
Trustees Report: Karen – Cynthia Felice has been here 3+ times over the years and can be a member
Book Committee: Erin – There are Hope Punk books for 2022. Book nominations 2023 coming soon with the theme “Books That Were Contenders” (Nominated, but didn’t win an award.) Proposed idea for next year “Books since 2000.”
Photo Committee: NTR
Refreshments Committee: We are exceedingly refreshed. Thanks to everyone who brought stuff. Ice cream cake coming soon!
COSine 2023: Eli ~ We want to meet and get more stuff hashed out so we can have a great con.
Unfinished Business: – Oreos are still good. Keep checking.
New Business: – Worldcon Heritage Organization (WHO) organization meeting on July 30 and July 31.
We should renew Zoom for another year so travelling / sick / distance folks can join remotely
Announcements: – Westercon is going on! AVS won and within 15 minutes dented the Stanley Cup. Dish Network is trying to acquire the StarLink spectrum. Fifth Element remastered and the sound and remastered music was pretty awesome. The Zoom was pretty crappy (Hi Sheila and Kasbah!), because Karen’s using the Zoom computer to take minutes AND forgot to hook up the speakers to her phone.
Next Meeting: 5 August 2022 at Karen’s House
Book: Magic and the Shinigami Detective by Honor Raconteur
Adjourn: 18:28pm
Book Discussion: Book: Foundation by Isaac Asimov