First Friday Minutes: 8-5-2022 In-Person and Online
Attending: Eli, Morland, Jack, Dave, Arlen, Lisa, Don, Karen, Erin, Megan, Cindy, Wes, Mem, Kent, Tim, Robin, Karen L, Ted
Zoom: Richard Karsh, Cary, Sheila
Presiding: Eli – Called meeting to order at 8:04pm
President’s Report: NTR
Vice President’s Report: NTR
Secretary’s Report: Morland – Minutes of previous Meetings posted! Side Conversation: Where should the minutes go?
Social Media Secretary’s Report: Jack – NTR.
Treasurer’s Report: Eli (on Lisa’s behalf) – We have money.
Trustees Report: NTR.
Book Committee: NTR. Theme for list will be “also rans”. (Nominated for an award, but did not win.) See Facebook and (soon) Mailing List.
Photo Committee: NTR.
Refreshments Committee: NTR. Pizza and donuts went over well. Research continues.
COSine 2023: Arlen – Hotel visit conducted. Have a preliminary layout of how rooms should be configured. Printouts shown. Possible person for gaming…need a few extra people. GET THE WORD OUT!!!
(Membership question – Mem/Kent/Jack – Arlen will take care of it. Reminder…)
Unfinished Business: – NTR.
New Business: – NTR.
Announcements: – Proposal to turn Antler’s Hotel into apartments (ala the Alta). Mem will be 70 on Sunday. Arlen got his first Senior Discount. PPLD Pikes Peak Reads Book “Signs” (against “Hopeful Books” policy)…also covered the potential funding increase. SpaceX launched a Korean spacecraft for Lunar Landing; over 40 launches so far! Don is back! Megan has moved! Arlen – Sandman TV Series (Netflix) dropped today, it’s gotten good reviews! Ann Heche was in a terrible car accident. Eli – Cait has a new job as a teacher! If you have bought a new fridge in the last few years – talk to Eli after the meeting!
Next Meeting: 2 September 2022 at Karen’s House during WorldCON. Check your email or facebook! Jack will not be at the next meeting. Arlen may not be either.
Book: Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Adjourn: 8:47pm
Book Discussion: Book: All Systems Red, Martha Wells