First Friday Fandom Minutes: October 7th, 2022

First Friday Minutes: 2022/10/07 In-Person and Online

Attending: Eli, Erin, Jack, Don, Cindy, Wes, Kent, Dave, Rosa, Richard, Arlen, The Other Richard, Ted, Karen, Megan, Mem (Partial), Gnome(?)

Presiding: Eli – Called meeting to order at 20:02

President’s Report: NTR

Vice President’s Report: NTR

Secretary’s Report: Eli filling in, minutes posted.

Social Media Secretary’s Report: NTR

Treasurer’s Report: We have money.

Trustees Report: NTR

Book Committee: Move Hugo book to December – passed by acclaim. Next book is checked out far ahead in library. Recommend buying or returning your copy early.

Photo Committee: NTR

Refreshments Committee: We are refreshed.

COSine 2023: Many people registered, many dealer tables sold. Programming survey will be going out this weekend. MileHiCon is coming up and we have a community table there. We need volunteers. Email Karen or visit Facebook page for signup. Artist did great cover art, figuring out how to scan it. COVID policy influenced by GoH (who caught COVID at previous con). We will require masks. Vaccination will be required (same as MileHiCon).

Unfinished Business: NTR

New Business: NTR


October 23rd, 2pm, Canyon City Highschool, Southern Colorado Community Band will be having halloween concern.

Crew 5 launch and Falcon Heavy launch. Possible Artemis launch. DART mission success!

Next Meeting: Nov 4th, 2022 at Karen’s House, 6pm, MOVIE NIGHT. Please RSVP on Facebook or contact Karen for RSVP.

Book: Jurassic Park

Adjourn: 20:33.

Book Discussion: Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire