First Friday Fandom Minutes: November 2nd, 2022
First Friday Minutes: 11-4-2022 In-Person and Online
Attending: Eli, Jack, Morland, Lisa, Arlen, Karen, Erin, Dave, Tim, Ted, Megan
Presiding: Eli – Called meeting to order at 6:23pm
President’s Report: NTR
Vice President’s Report: NTR
Secretary’s Report: Morland – Minutes of previous meetings are being posted as we speak!
Social Media Secretary’s Report: NTR.
Treasurer’s Report: Eli (on Lisa’s behalf) – We have money.
Trustees Report: Karen is our newest member.
Book Committee: Erin says that 8 books have been nominated. Make sure that you get your nominations in. Nominations are “Books that were nominated for awards, but did not win!” Ursula LeGuin award (new) qualifies. Karen created our list.
Photo Committee: NTR.
Refreshments Committee: NTR. Pizza, cupcakes and apple strudel are here.
COSine 2023: 124 people signed up, 53 room nights (which isn’t a complete total) – we’re at 68 of 80. Dealer’s room is effectively sold out: 22 of 24 Tables. Discount with Kevin Anderson’s Super Stars. Dakucon distributed flyers, we need to reciprocate in January. Cross-promotion is possible, thanks to our attendance at MileHiCon. Plan for hotel being re-worked to give Art Show more space. Need to decide on Charity for the con: First Colorado (Robotics in school), Cool Science (Robots), The Space Foundation (), Pikes Peak Library () – took vote – PPLD WINS!!! Need to start thinking about guests for 19-21 Jan 2024 – email to or go to the website ( and click on the contact link.
Unfinished Business: – No old business.
New Business: – Karen wants to have a permanent microphone & speaker setup for Zoom meetings and COSine. Eli will purchase.
Announcements: – Tomorrow is Guy Fawkes Day. Falcon 9 successfully launched. No more Elon Musk news, SpaceX is exempt as long as it is about the rocket and not the person. No news. Sandman finally got renewed, Westworld cancelled, Henry Cavill left The Witcher. Sandman graphic novels available from Lisa. $250 Zoom Session for Camera Pierce. Microsoft has decided Security Bugs are no longer bugs … until they decided that it is.
Next Meeting: December 2nd, 2022
Book: Jurassic Park
Adjourn: 6:52pm
Book Discussion: Book: Uprooted by Naomi Novik