April 2014 Minutes

Friday, April 4, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 8:28 pm.
Present were Jack, Richard, Robin, Joe, Jay, James, Terry, Ted, Robyn, Cary

Officer Reports
President: nothing to report

Vice Pres. Brownies with hazelnuts

Treasurer: The treasurer has unilaterally decided to submit written reports once per quarter because of a lack of monthly activity, aside from our 17 cents in interest. He will report verbally each month. Added an obligated funds section to cover storage and COSine expenses.

We talked about COSine membership numbers, and who on the committee has bought memberships.

Pseudo-secretary has been updating website, and taking notes.

Aspen room has been turned into a VIP guest lounge and is no longer available to us.
Art programming – how to make a portfolio as a possible topic. We still need a science guest.
Dance – Mardi Gras theme? Beads, mask-making

Books: set for some time. Silverlock next month.

SMOFcon exploration : Hotel Elegante is working on bid for the space we might need. They are interested, and will submit bid within a week or so. Bidding against Fort Worth and NYC. We need to create a timetable for bid. Will be selected for at Manhattan Beach this year.

Old business: 4th of July BBQ will be on the 4th this year. Time: show up as early as 4:30, food at 6pm. Hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, provided by club.

New business: none
Announcements: Joe asked if anyone went to Anomaly Con. No one went to Galaxyfest. Cary will be attending Starfest. Jack is debating going to Bubonicon this year. Cary saw winter soldier and recommends it. Jay saw Particle Fever at the Maya on Broadway. It is about the large hadron collider. Cosmos has been interesting. There are three Game of Thrones craft beers.



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