November 6, 2015 Meeting

It’s that time of year again, when First Friday Fandom gathers early to watch a movie based on a science fiction or fantasy novel. We’ll meet early so we can watch the movie and have some snacks. Pizza will be provided, but feel free to bring additional goodies to share, pot-luck style.

We’ll be watching Howl’s Moving Castle, based on the Diana Wynn Jones books. Before researching this title for First Friday, I hadn’t known there was more than one book.

Important Note! We have swapped the time and location of the meeting for this month because of the movie. We will be meeting at 6pm at the home of Karen and Erin Jordan, at 2906 Stonewall Heights. This is a gate-controlled neighborhood, but the gate should be open for us. Map to Karen and Erin's, 2906 Stonewall Heights