Present were Kent, Mary, Robin, Richard, Robin, Ted, Joe, Terry, Jack, Jay, Rick.
Joe called the meeting to order at 8:20.
Officer Reports:
President : We are having a meeting, just like we did last month.
Vice : There were eclairs, brownies, and soda.
Secretary reports she is working on website redesign, but has updated the main page for the current site.
Treasurer: not much financial activity
The committee for Cosine Past was disbanded last month.
Books: got suggestions from Cary. Put in Doctorow book for Sept. We are still undecided about the movie for the December meeting.
Committee to Revise the Bylaws: nothing
COSine photo committee no progress thus far.
Insurance for club, Kent hasn’t done anything yet.
Action Items: We should list the Committees on web, Officers page need updating
No old business outstanding
New business:
4th of July potluck with club providing hamburgers and hot dogs. We’ll pass around a sign up sheet in June.
Upcoming conventions include Denver Comiccon, Costume con
June 29th Terry’s party
Also Ted and Robin’s anniversary
Mem lamented not having a kathumpita machine. Joe suggested a committee to acquire one.
Meeting adjourned at 8:51