11/04/16 FFF Minutes
Meeting Called to Order: 6:52 PM
Presiding: Ted Monogue
Attending: Ted, Terry, Mem, Kent, Rick, Rosa, Cary, Eli, Richard, Robyn, Robin, Karen, Erin,
President’s Report: NTR
Vice President’s Report: Lots of Vice
Secretary’s Report: Minutes posted
Treasurer’s Report: NTR
Trustee’s Report: Some potential new members,
Committee Reports:
Committee to Amend the Bylaws: NTR
Book Committee: NTR
Insurance Committee: NTR
Refreshment Committee: Pizza! Cider!
Photo Committee: NTR
COSine 2017: 3 memberships at MHC, lots of programming ideas, 2 P M Meeting Saturday for
GOH Travel plans not firmed up, Prereg numbers low, Need to email PR to former members. Membership rates will stay at $40 until at the door – $45 then. Web page updated, please review and let Kent know what needs to be fixed. Make your hotel reservations. Kim Klimek is doing bios.
COSine 2018: Looking at alternate hotels.
Old Business: Storage rates still being worked
New Business: 1st Friday in December on December 9th. Everyone should bring cookies to share or swap.
Announcements: Dr Strange is very good – Cary. Character driven.
Adjourned: 7:10 PM
Movie Time: Time bandits