March 3, 2017 Minutes

3/3/2017 FFF Minutes

Meeting Called to Order: 20:03

Presiding: Eli R

Attending: Eli, Don, Richard, Ray, Tim, Kent, Rick, Robyn, Lisa, Steve, Robin, Ted, Cary. Erin and Karen showed up later.

President’s Report: NTR

Vice President’s Report: NP

Secretary’s Report: Minutes Posted, Mem posted addendum on Facebook

Treasurer’s Report: Mem not present. Skim of books seems we are about even after COSine

Trustee’s Report: NTR

Committee Reports:

Committee to Amend the Bylaws: NTR

Book Committee: April book is SF Stories of Rudyard Kipling. Edited by John Brunner.

Insurance Committee: NTR

Refreshment Committee: Lots of stuff out there

Photo Committee: Pictures

COSine 2017: COSine seems to be at a slight loss for the year basically breaking even.

COSine 2018: Still looking at Gray Wolf, Penciled in for Elegante, Still asking around .
JL Nye looking to fly into COS

Old Business: Worldcon History storage still pending
COSine 2019 chair selection in July.

New Business: Richard is interested in Chairing COSine 2019.

Announcements: Mem is with Robin Clune, babysitting her for a hip replacement.

SpaceX putting space tourists around the moon.

Adjourned: 20:27

Book Discussion: Magic Inc, by Robert Heinlein.