First Friday Fandom Meeting – September 1, 2017
Meeting Called to order: 20:04
Attending: Mem, Kent, Eli, Lisa, Robin, Ted, Cary, Rick, Rick, Don, Joe, Jack, Richard, Erin, Karen, Morland, John Wilson
Presiding: Eli
President’s Report: Nothing
VP report: Goodies Galore
Secretary: No minutes from last meeting. Minutes were evidently recorded but not transcribed.
Treasurer: We have some money in various accounts
Book Committee: October book is Hugo-Winning Jemison Book. No one can remember the title. Book committee will select another book after the meeting.
Committee to find the bylaws: Discussed amending the bylaws. Looking for time to meet.
Refreshment Committee: Lots of food available
Insurance Committee: NTR
Photo Committee: NTR
Trustees Report: NTR
Cosine 2018:
MHC still awaiting Fan Table info. Ted will coordinate.
Fan GOH -Elses –
Panelists requests going out in October.
Evening events – Trivia night, not a dance, looking for another activity. Kent has no ideas.
GOH – tickets being sent.
Science GOH is coordinated.
Think about Guest Box contents.
Cover Artist? Karen is reviewing.
COSine 2019: Kevin Anderson can’t commit.
Old Business: None
New Business: Looking into seeing new Star Wars. Maybe the Week after Christmas.
Latest Hugo is on display. (Worldcon Heritage item)
Eli will not be here for October Meeting.
Mem is getting Knee replaced Sept 21. 3D printed knee is being built.
Karen has sold land without taking a loss
Voyager 30th anniversary
Eclipse happened, not in Scandinavia.
They found Pliny the Elder in Pompeii!
Next Meeting:
Oct- Book Ninefox Gambit – K&M
Nov Movie night 6 PM – Karen and Erin. Colossus/Forbin Project. Pizza planning
Meeting Adjourned: 20:46
Book- Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland -1864 . Through the Looking Glass – 1871 was the sequel.
Alice was a wonderful girl.
Need annotated version to explain the jokes.
Hunting of the Snark was 1879.
Number of the Beast featured Alice for a paragraph. (Heinlein reference)
Disney owns the Pooh.
Poetry is flying around.
We are not watching the paint dry. We have better things to do.
Lots of adaptations of Alice in theater and film. Started early.
Disney version in 1951.
Did Dodgson have a stutter, or a stammer?