March 2, 2018 Minutes

First Friday Fandom Meeting – March 2, 2018

Meeting Called to order: 20:09

Attending: Joe, Mem, Eli, Lisa, Robyn, Kent, Jack, Richard, Jay, Ted, Robin, Rick, Tim, Cary, Don, Morland

Presiding: Eli

President’s Report: NTR

VP report: Thin mints and blueberry muffins

Secretary: Minutes were posted on FB

Social Media Secretary: Nothing updated yet

Treasurer: Money in Ent and Paypal, There are outstanding checks.

Book Committee: Posted years books on side of bookshelf.

Refreshment Committee: Refreshed

Insurance Committee:
Nothing till next year

Photo Committee: We are not seeing any photos of COSine, Send files to Jack and Joe,

Trustees Report: NTR

COSine 2018:

    Budget numbers were distributed.
    We were a slight deficit but better than 2017.
    Attendance was not nearly as much as we anticipated, We need to pump up publicity.
    Will we continue after 2019? We need to discuss.
    Guests enjoyed COSine.

COSine 2019:

    No science guest yet. Any suggestions?
    Maybe we can look at Great Wolf.
    Maybe try Doubletree.

Old Business:

    $200 gift card from hotel.
    Look over SF movies coming out soon.
    Wrinkle in Time doesn’t look promising.
    Incredibles 2 is coming.
    Fahrenheit 451 on HBO.
    Maybe we will organize a Black Panther outing.

New Business:

    COSine future will be decided at the July Meeting.
    The July meeting will be the second Friday of July. July 13th
    August Meeting will be Picnic day. Grab your Nuts Day.


    Space X is reusing boosters.
    Mem hopes to attend her 50th High School Reunion.

Next Meeting:

    Kent and Mem’s
    A Civil Campaign – L M Bujold

Meeting Adjourned: 21:14

Book Discussion: Princess Bride – William Goldman – 1971

    Some read the book first. The movie does the book.
    Mem read it new.
    Character descriptions closely match the movie.
    Quotable for repetition.
    PB Released to VHS and may have contributed to cult status.
    How many movies can you think of that you can identify just from a quote.
    Goldman wrote the screenplay.
    Permeation of nematic culture.
    Heinlein Reference – Manny and Mike discussing the nature of humor.
    Eli knows people younger than him, and doesn’t get their references.