February 1, 2019 Minutes

First Friday Minutes: February 1, 2019

Attending: Rick, Erin, Kent, Mem, Eli, Morland, Robin, Ted, Joe, Cary, Karen, Jack, Don

Presiding: Kent

President’s Report:

Vice President’s Report:

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of January Meeting posted to Facebook.

Social Secretary’s Report: NTR

Treasurer’s Report:

    We have some money with some expenses from COSine still outstanding.
    COSIne Travel Expenses are covered

Book Committee: will conference after meeting.

Photo Committee: Green Thumbdrive has Morland’s pictures of COSine 2019. They need to be uploaded to the committee web-site for processing.

Refreshments Committee: Liquid Nitrogen Ice cream coming up.

COSine 2019:

    Tax needs to be paid to State and City. Ted will handle
    Keys for locking chains need to be given to Ted. Jack and Karen each have a key.
    Art Show 25 Artists 24 table, 29 panels
    Peri has done well over 15 years
    Several artists did better than normal
    Lamination pouches were used
    We are breaking even ~
    We need to set a date to review capital equipment remains
    Move to use 4th of July Meeting to review left over equipment
    Ted – Close down COSine email addresses
    One Shirt and Glove left over from Con
    201 bodies at COSine

Old Business: No movie recommendation for Feb

New Business:

    Art Show for 2020? Karen will Review.
    Anti-Chair 2020 wants to party.


    Vote for Karen for Best Teacher – Gazette
    Lisa coming home in Feb.

Adjourn 9:06