April 5, 2019 Minutes

First Friday Minutes: April 5, 2019 : 8:07 PM

Attending: Richard, Robyn, Kent, Mem, Ted, Eli, Lisa, Arlen Feldman, Anna Wood, Karen, Robin, Rosa. Joe, Cary, Tim, Erin

Presiding: Kent

President’s Report: NTR

Vice President’s Report: Ted: Filed periodic report with CO SOS

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of previous Meeting posted to Facebook.

Social Secretary’s Report: Web Page has been updated. Booklist included.

Treasurer’s Report: As of Today, we have money. Some outstanding monies due.

Trustees Report: Some new people here for the first time.

Book Committee: Booklist being sent right now! Some books have been ordered.

Photo Committee: Mem will send Jack photos for dropbox

Refreshments Committee: Stuff on table, sodas in garage.

Old Business: None

New Business:

    Westercon – Standlee bidding Tonapah, NV. Does COS/FFF want to try? Who is interested? Asking for show of interest. Not enough interest at this point.

    Karen asking about a running a 2020 COSine. Would the club be interested in supporting a new generation running a COSine?
    Morland and Arlen are interested in starting up a new generation.
    Timing of running COSine 2020 is early.
    COSine does not make money!
    COSine does not strive to make money, but rather to break even.
    We have been averaging the loss of a few hundred dollars each year.
    Arlen is interested in running a COSine with Morland.

    Ted: Moves to have the tentative COSine committee present a proposal with committee assignments and general plans for 2020 by May 20th by email.
    This will allow club members to comment and discuss. A decision will be made at the June 7th Meeting. Passed Unanimously.
    Ted: Moves to allow remote active online presence for meeting and voting participation. Passed Unanimously.

    Robin would like to use our sound equipment for a non-profit. Permission Granted.

    Terry Gilliam’s Don Quixote is showing Wednesday April 10th 7 PM at Tinseltown. Contact Cary by Monday. Club will pay for showing.


    Spacex is launching Falcon Heavy April 7th.

    Robin is reading Boboverse. She Likes it

    Erin’s and Sappho’s birthday today. Also Megan’s.

Next Meeting:

    May 3. 2019: Kent and Mem’s
    Book: Lord of the Rings

Adjourn: 9:17 PM


Book Discussion:

    Martian Chronicles – Ray Bradbury
    Heinlein also wrote books about Mars.
    Many people read and liked the book.
    People live for a long time.
    Didn’t care for the Earth people.