August 2, 2019 Minutes

First Friday Minutes: August 2, 2019 –

Attending: Arlen, Richard, Kent, Fred, Lisa, Robin C, Jack, Karen, Mem, Erin, Ted, Morland, Cary, Joe

Presiding: Kent called to order 20:22

President’s Report: NTR

Vice President’s Report: NTR

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of previous meeting were not posted..

Social Secretary’s Report: NTR on vacation

Treasurer’s Report: As of Today, we have money.

Book Committee:

    Books were ordered.
    The Expanse series has arrived.
    Craig Schaefer book for the ‘Long way down’
    November movie is “The Edge of Tomorrow”

Photo Committee: NTR

Refreshments Committee: Brownies are available.

COSine 2020:

    Things are proceeding with Elegante.
    COSine is working on slightly reduced space.
    Arlen passed out map of setup and discussed plans on how spaces will be used.
    Finding a GOH has been problematic, still in progress.
    Email blast needs to go out as soon as hotel is signed to let people know we are back!

Old Business:

    People are looking at going to Dr. Who movie Fathom Event – August 7 – 7 PM. Preferably at Tinseltown.
    Cary is coordinating: Contact him if interested


New Business:


    Joe went to estate sale and RM Book and Paper Fair.
    Wearable Art work exhibit at Fine Arts Center.

Next Meeting:

    September 6, 2019
    Leviathan Wakes – The Expanse by James S.A. Corey

Adjourn: 21:28

Book Discussion:

    Dauntless- The Lost Fleet series – by Jack Campbell, aka John G Henry

    Military shoot’em up Space Opera.

    Selected to avoid urban fantasy.

    Working his way back home from behind enemy lines. A man has to revise his legend after a century after being found lost in space. It helps he has seniority.

    A repetitious set of tactics used throughout the series.