September 6, 2019 Minutes

First Friday Minutes: September 6, 2019 – Karen’s and Erin’s

Attending: Morland, Robin C, Rick, Kent, Robin M, Rosa, Lisa, Richard K, Robyn, Joe, Erin, Karen, Arlen, Ted, Cary, Tim

Presiding: Kent – 20:13

President’s Report: NTR

Vice President’s Report: NTR

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of previous Meeting posted to Facebook.

Social Secretary’s Report: NTR

Treasurer’s Report: Voice of Mary: As of Today, we have money.

Book Committee:

    Still Need a book for October.
    Books have not been available from Paperback Swap.
    November Book is Edge of Tomorrow anime based movie/manga.
    Cary has book suggestions for review.
    December is Hugo Winner,
    January is Flint book. (Course of Empire has been suggested.)

Photo Committee: NTR

Refreshments Committee: Cake and Cookies have been provided.

COSine 2020:

    Eric Flint is GOH.
    Participant survey going out.
    40 members signed up so far.
    Please take flyers to distribute around town – garish or sedate.
    MileHiCon volunteers needed- October 18-20. Sign up at October Meeting.

Old Business:

    Star Trek- The Motion Picture – 40th Anniversary showing – September 18th –
    Not enough interest to make a movie outing.

New Business: Need to talk about COSine 2021 at October Meeting

Announcements: Rosa and Richard’s 10th!

Next Meeting:

    October 4, 2019 – Karen and Erin’s (Updated post Sept meeting)
    Book: TBD

Adjourn: 20:42

Book Discussion: