October 4, 2019 Minutes

First Friday Minutes: October 4, 2019 – Karen’s and Erin’s

Attending: Kent, Robin, Lisa, Mem, Robyn, Joe, Erin, Karen, Arlen, Ted, Cary, Tim, Jack, Eli, Cait, Richard, Morland, New People: Cindy Dunn, Wes, Marcus

Presiding: Kent – 20:10

President’s Report: Received letter from Space Foundation in Thanks for our gift to them.

Vice President’s Report: NTR

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of previous Meeting posted to Facebook. And posted to Website!

Social Secretary’s Report: NTR

Treasurer’s Report: We have gift card for $180. $8000+ in various accounts. No outstanding checks.

Book Committee: Eli reports that they have the 2020 books selected. December book is TBD. List will be sent to Secretary.

Insurance Committee: will do something next month.

Photo Committee: Mem is getting dunning notices from Dropbox.

Refreshments Committee: Doughnuts and Cookies have been provided.

COSine 2020:

    65 Registered members.
    Arlen and Morland visited the hotel to look at spaces.
    List being passed around for MileHiCon.
    Giveaways planned for Preregisters.
    5 Poolside Rooms are set aside for convention.

COSine 2021:

    Karen has announced a plan to get COSine 2021 started now to get everything organized early (hotel, GOH).
    List of previous GOH suggestions can be used to start the 2021 search.
    Morland and Arlen are co-chairs for 2021, by acclimation.

Old Business:

    More movie night discussion, $187 gift card available.
    We should wait for new Star Wars movie – late December.
    We will do something after Xmas. Ted will organize.

New Business: None

    English fish and chips shop opened at Academy and Austin Bluffs. Called Chippies.

    December meeting is second Friday.

    January Meeting will be at hotel.

    Over the next year in Colorado Elon Musk may be providing good satellite internet coverage.

Next Meeting:

    November 1, 2019 – Erin and Karen’s
    6 PM
    Movie Night

Adjourn: 20:50

Book Discussion:

    The Calculating Stars by Mary Kowal

    Good blend of good science fiction and cultural awareness.

    Shouldn’t really send out all-male space crews if you want to populate outer space.

    Textiles drove our industry