First Friday Minutes: November 1, 2019 – Karen’s and Erin’s
Attending: Kent, Robin, Lisa, Mem, Robyn, Joe, Erin, Karen, Arlen, Ted, Cary, Tim, Jack, Eli, Kait, Richard, Morland, New People: Jon, Marcus, David Luperti
Presiding: Kent – 18:35 PM
President’s Report: NTR
Vice President’s Report: Pizza and Cake
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of previous Meeting posted to Facebook. And posted to Website!
Social Secretary’s Report: Page updated for Today.
Treasurer’s Report:
Someone accepted a $1600 check.
Sold 17 items at MileHiCon.
$480 minus Square Fees (2.8%) for ~ $456.
Paypal charging ~3.5% interest.
$182 Gift Card for movie night.
$10K+ in Ent account. Includes A Lot of COSine Memberships.
Book Committee:
Lots of books were bought for 2020, at least two of each.
Thanks are rendered to Mr Jordan.
2020 book list was given to Social Secretary.
Insurance Committee: We have insurance for COSine.
Photo Committee: NTR
Refreshments Committee: Cake and Pizza have been provided.
COSine 2020:
135 registered members.
20 dealer tables.
25 Artists signed up.
Dealer table rate goes up today.
Membership rates go up today.
Program Book TBD.
Need lanyards.
We have laminator (M&K).
We have ribbons.
May need Dymo labels.
Registration needs computer and printer.
Squares belong to club.
Art Show is autonomous.
COSine 2021:
Big issue is the dates- Jan 29-31 – what’s wrong with those dates? nothing!
2021 GOH still being investigated. Send suggestions
Old Business: Ted planning for week after Xmas.
New Business: None
Galaxy Quest Documentary November 26 at Interquest.
December meeting is second Friday – December 13 .
January Meeting will be at hotel – January 3.
Happy Birthday, Karen!
Eli reports Starlink is still happening.
Mem will replace knee in January.
Mercury transit on November 11.
Next Meeting: December 13, 2019 – Erin and Karen’s
8 PM
Adjourn: 19:50
Movie Time!: Edge of Tomorrow