First Friday Minutes: December 13, 2019 – Karen’s and Erin’s
Attending: Kent, Lisa, Mem, Joe, Erin, Karen, Arlen, Ted, Cary, Tim, Jack, Eli, Kait, Richard Karsh, Rosa, Marcus: New People: Cyndi Dunn, Wes Dunn
Presiding: Kent – Called to order at 20:18
President’s Report: NTR
Vice President’s Report: Leftover cake from COS Weavers Guild.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of previous Meeting posted to Facebook. And posted to Website!
Social Secretary’s Report: NTR
Treasurer’s Report: We have money. $ in Ent and Paypal. $187 on gift card.
Trustees Report: Kait and Marcus are eligible to join.
Trustees have a Slate:
President: Eli
VP: Morland
Secretary: Jack
Treasurer: Lisa
Social Secretary: Robin
Trustees: Karen, Mem, Richard Karsh
Book Committee: 2020 books have been bought and brought to Karen’s
Insurance Committee: COSine committee has info. Going to sleep for another year.
Photo Committee: NTR
Refreshments Committee: VP has coordinated refreshments
COSine 2020:
136 pre-reg.
Royal Manticoran Navy will be present.
Some program participants haven’t paid up yet.
Gun table has been resolved.
Laminations have been acquired.
Labels have been acquired.
Schedule has been done.
Courtney Willis on Sewing Machines!
Con suite money is pre-planned.
Some supplies are in excess.
Gaming programming will have prizes.
42 Authors for signing.
Ribbons are available.
Plan for GOH Dinner Thursday Evening and pay for self
COSine 2021:
GOH selected, Artist GOH selected.
Should have Elegante back with full facilities.
Old Business: Rise of Skywalker – Thursday Dec 26, Thursday Jan 2 – Between 7-8 PM – Cinemark on Powers. Preliminary vote says Jan 2, @20 people attending.
New Business: None
June 17-21 – Rocky Mountain Star Stare in Gardner, Colorado- with speakers.
Mandalorian is amazing. On Disney Plus
COSine schedule available for review
Next Meeting: January 3, 2020 – Hotel Elegante
8 PM
COSine prep
Book: 1632 – Eric Flint
Adjourn: 21:03
Book Discussion: Magic Kingdom for Sale – Sold! – Terry Brooks
I like Terry’s Characters, not the story.
Setup was too slow
It was Meh
Eli wait-listed the library version without the ! – This is a ghost book.
Discussion is pretty slow.
Suspension of belief was more involved with the financing methods rather than magic elements.
She liked rhyming magic.
Not very humorous
Money isn’t worth as much today as it was then.
The conversation is splintering, I can’t hear anything anymore,
Now we are discussing Roman Plumbing.
We are not a 501(3c) federal org, we are a non-profit Colorado organization. We just file postcards on-line for tax purposes.