First Friday Minutes: April 3, 2020

First Friday Minutes: April 3, 2020 – Discord

Attending: Kent, Lisa, Mem, Joe, Erin, Karen, Arlen, Jack, Eli, Cait, Richard Karsh, Marcus, Cyndi, Wes, Ted, Rosa:

20:07 Eli Presiding

President’s Report:
Discord channel set up by Robin. Thanks for coming.

Vice President’s Report:

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of previous Meeting posted to Facebook. And posted to Website!

Social Media Secretary’s Report:
Web Site slightly updated

Treasurer’s Report: Lisa reporting – We have a lot of money. $12,851.81

Trustees Report: NTR

Book Committee:

Insurance Committee:

Photo Committee:

Refreshments Committee: NTR

COSine 2020:

COSine 2021:

    Sold 16 memberships at COS2020
    Signed Contract with Elegante.
    We expect conditions should be suitable in 2021 but we are preparing for options.

Old Business:


New Business:

    Everyone is OK- we are checking out for Don
    Do we want to do a virtual movie meeting?


    HBO is streaming for free for a month
    Governor says we are going to wear masks outside . Eli discussed making masks.
    Maker Space has instructions on 3D printing masks and paraphernalia
    Joe is out of a job
    Rosa has paid for Zoom make it available to the club
    Kimble Theater playing online movies
    8:49 ISS is passing over head by moon
    Don is doing OK

Next Meeting:

    May 1, 2020 – Probably on Discord
    Book: The Parafaith War by LE Modesitt

Adjourn: 20:30

Book Discussion: Island in the Sea of Time by S.M. Stirling

    Something about the Zulu movie.

    Colby KS has everything you need to travel in time. Three machine shops.

    We will try a club-owned Zoom account for next meeting.