First Friday Minutes: 7/3/2021 Online
Attending: Eli, Cait, Morland, Kent, Mem, Tim, Ted, Robin, Karen, Erin, Robyn, Joe, Jack, Cary, Sheila, LisaJulie, Rosa, Richard, Don, Cindy
Presiding: Eli – 18:45
President’s Report: Eli – NTR
Vice President’s Report: Jack – NTR
Secretary’s Report: Morland – Minutes of previous Meeting posted to Facebook. And posted to Website!
Social Media Secretary’s Report: Ted – NTR. Talked about updating website on meeting status.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa – We have money.
Trustees Report: Mem – NTR
Book Committee: Eli – NTR
Photo Committee: Mem – NTR
Refreshments Committee: Burgers, brats, hot dogs, etc.
COSine 2022: Arlen/Morland (CoChairs) – Hotel space is reserved, we are going to have the space we had in 2019. Reached out to the dinosaur museum about science guest, Mr. Maltese. We are STILL planning on going through storage and figuring out what is broken/needs replacement.
Old Business: – NTR
New Business: – NTR. Karen/Erin are happy with resuming meeting at their place. Will keep Zoom just in case.
Possible bid for Westercon for 2023 (Mem). Ted will look at hotel and put a committee together. Expecting 500-800 people. Wants to know if we submit the bid as a group or if we form a separate non-group affiliated committee. Supplied details regarding this.
Voted – two nays, everyone else in favor of making a possible bid for Westercon.
Update the website Book List and meeting information.
Announcements: – Cary – July 11th, Richard Branson goes to space, July 20th, Jeff Bezos goes to space.
– Mem – Sappho is no longer with us.
– Karen – Wants to resume the Instant Pot parties the Saturday after the meeting.
Next Meeting: Friday, August 6th, 2021 – IN PERSON
Book: Citizen of the Galaxy by Robert Heinlien
Adjourn: 19:17
Book Discussion: Book: Second Contact by Mike Resnik