First Friday Minutes: 8/6/2021 Online
Attending: Eli, Cait, Morland, Tim, Karen, Erin, Jack, Don
Zoom: Rosa, Richard K, Joe, Sheila
Presiding: Eli – 18:45
President’s Report: Eli – NTR
Vice President’s Report: Jack – NTR
Secretary’s Report: Morland – Minutes of previous Meeting posted to Facebook. And posted to Website!
Social Media Secretary’s Report: Given by Eli – NTR. Talked about updating website on meeting status.
Treasurer’s Report: Given by Eli – We have money.
Trustees Report: Karen – NTR
Book Committee: Erin – NTR
Photo Committee: Joe – NTR
Refreshments Committee: Brats and other stuff
COSine 2022: Arlen/Morland (CoChairs) – Science Guest of honor picked; need to figure out if they are a non-profit. Will figure out and report next month. No status on Gaming as of yet…will try to get in touch with Connor. Morland has been getting us on site. We have a table on MileHiCon (1-3 October 2021). Picked up new extension cords/power strips, new easel (will get more if they work). Need a schedule date, preferably before MileHiCon, to go to storage and inventory. (September?) Survey for participants – don’t want to send out too early or too late. Will send out at end of month initially, then a second time. Possible lead on artshow panels? (Will investigate) Screen showing tweets and photos (filtering built into software?) 33 rooms signed up and 10 dealer’s table sold.
Old Business: – Possible bid for Westercon for 2023…nothing yet. (Vote was taken last meeting.)
New Business: – NTR.
Announcements: – Joe went to Colorado Convention Center to Rocky Mountain Book and Paper Center. Next Saturday is Free Comic Book Day. Colorado Spring Comic Con is August 27-29 at Broadmoor World Arena.
– Erin – SpaceX has assembled the large stack. 400 ft. Largest rocket in the world.
– Rosa – Run of the house rooms for MileHiCon? What does that mean? (Suite room?) Need exact time you will be arriving. (Standard room – Arlen)
– Eli – October meeting will be moved to October 8th due to MileHiCon.
Next Meeting: Friday, September 3rd, 2021 – IN PERSON
Book: Apocalypse Troll by David Weber.
Adjourn: 20:49
Book Discussion: Book: Citizen of the Galaxy by Robert Heinlein