First Friday Fandom Minutes: February 4th, 2022

First Friday Minutes: 2-4-2022 In-Person and Online

Attending: Eli, Arlen, Morland, Karen, Erin, Tim, Ted, Dave
Zoom: Mem, Jack, Kent, Richard K., Cyndi, Wes, Rosa, Richard, Cary, Megan, Lisa

Presiding: Eli – 20:11

President’s Report: Eli – Went through 2023 Officer assignments.

Vice President’s Report: Ted – NTR

Secretary’s Report: Morland – Minutes of previous Meeting posted!

Social Media Secretary’s Report: Website updated to reflect that we’re not meeting on Jan 7th

Treasurer’s Report: Lisa – We have money.

Trustees Report: Karen – Our newest potential member is not here; one more meeting to go.

Book Committee: Erin – We have books out until December.

Photo Committee: Mem – Will have slideshow ready (again).

Refreshments Committee: We are refreshed.

COSine 2022: Arlen – We had a convention and survived it. More online registrations, fewer at the door. ~180-200 people at the convention at any given time.

Cleared up the status on the Art Show Dragon (Jack)

COSine 2023: Arlen – We have been talking to hotels. 1-UCCS – Karen is talking to about hosting. 2-Haven’t heard from the Antlers. 3-Current front runner is the Embassy Suites; went over the ‘money’ issue.

Rosa – Cheryl McCullough at to explore potential spaces.

Went over potential dates, etc. – it’s looking like it will be the later date.

Old Business: – Brought up old Westercon bid.

New Business: – NTR

Announcements: – Rosa – Arthur Dent is dead. Eli – Microsoft Calendar bug. Mainstream D&D show on Amazon Prime (Legend of Vox Machina).

Next Meeting: 4 March 2022 at Karen’s House

Book: Witch Slapped by Dakota Cassidy

Adjourn: 20:58

Book Discussion: Book: Jackie’s Boy, Stephen Popkes.