Present were Jay, Richard, Joe, Robin, Ted, Keith, Sheila, Terry, another Robin, Jerry, Kent, Jack, Mem, Rick, Art, Ted, Cary, Karen.
The club president Joe called the meeting to order at 8:15.
Officers Reports:
President: Joe reported that he took notes in November, which he will send to me. He thanked Brendan as outgoing president. We had a convention. It was good.
Richard reported there was vice in the other room.
Robin has updated web page through May. COSine history needs updated, quinceneara was 2008?
We would like some photos of COSine.
Treasurer: Ted had nothing to report. Still needs info for con bookkeeping. Some outstanding checks and reimbursements
We have about $8400.
Trustees: Nothing to report
Book Committee: Books have been ordered, more will be ordered as the year progresses.
Committee to Amend the Bylaws: no action
Refreshments Committee: There were leftovers from COSine and brownies and sodas
COSine 2013:
We had a COSine. The Ottoman ran it with his fez and scimitar.
Dance and author signing went well
209 people, 7 or 8 new members on Sunday
The Colorado Springs Independent featured us.
We finally got them to lock the dealers room. Didn’t get much attention from hotel. They didn’t tell us restaurant would be closed on Saturday night.
Catering wasn’t as good this year, likely because of other banquets running that weekend.
Discussion of whether we should continue raffle.
No real problems with hotel. Not a lot of people came, but 8-10 always there
Consuite went great. Reg was fine, all times covered. Didnt have a big rush. Fewer walk-ins this year.
Electronics workshop, people created an annoying motion sensing buzzer.
Might need more components, these seem to be extender kits available.
USB powered
Programming went well, and was well-attended
A couple dealers didnt show due to bad weather in Utah. Not as much traffic this year. People are not buying books as much. More e-readers
Art show – second best year ever. Most sales on Sunday, Peri was about a third, Kyle almost as much. Number of pieces in show was lower in both tables and panels. The art demos went well,
COSine setup for author signing needed chairs for people besides the authors. Cocktail groupings. We could tell people panel discussions could be continued in another room or in consuite, but with all the room we had, it would have been nicer to provide some seating.
Old business: must file report with Colorado Secretary of State.
Meeting adjourned at 9:32.
Book discussion for Connecticut Yankee