First Friday Fandom Minutes: October 8, 2021

First Friday Fandom Meeting Minutes: 10/8/2021

Attending: Eli, Tim, Lisa, Karen, Jack, Don, Erin, Kent, Mem, Ted, Cary, Arlen
Zoom: Richard B., Richard K., Rosa, Cary, Megan, Joe
(18 Total)

Meeting called to order: 8:11pm

President: Nothing to report

Vice-president: Nothing to report

Secretary: Nothing to report
Note: Minutes do not appear to have been posted

Social media secretary: Nothing to report
Note: Should update website to not say that you shouldn’t show up at Karen’s on pain of pain.

• We have money.
• More money from Square from MHC plus some checks.

Book committee:
• We have a list of books for 2022. There was much rejoicing.
• List can be found at Also at end of minutes.
• November movie will be Jurassic Park.
• Mem would like to thank Erin for running book committee for 2 years despite it being a horrible job. General Acclamation!

Photo committee: Nothing to report (There is a slide show that was not brought)

Refreshment committee: There are refreshments (except for people on Zoom)

• Currently 77 people registrations. Dealer’s room is close to full, but can add some tables.
• At MHC, 21 registrations. Dinosaurs were popular. Consider a theme in the future. There are left-over snacks which we can bring for the con suite
• Pinged Hexacon to try and avoid conflict in future years (still waiting to hear back)
Note, post meeting – they are always over MLK, Jr. weekend!
• Pinged Eleganté to check on available dates for 2023 (still waiting to hear back)
• Scheduling of programs is ongoing (56 responses to surveys so far)
• As much as possible we need to sync times between art show and dealers room to make sure space is locked when not attended.
• Theoretically have someone to run gaming, but waiting on confirmation.
• Look into register on phone (have a QR code, etc.)
• Rosa will be taking the lead on Con Suite this year
• Mostly prewrapped food or by servers behind counter. Eli and Rosa will discuss.
• Kent will get insurance
• Charity Selected: Cool Science
• Get COVID ribbons
• Need to make sure we can meet at hotel in January.

Any old business? No

November meeting will be at 6:00p at Karen’s, eat, then movie

Any new business? No

• Richard’s birthday! Yay
• Kent: Mary K. Kare passed away yesterday, and we are very sorry.
• Kent is having a work session on 23rd October at 9:00am to help prepare for the WorldCon Heritage Organization (meet at the storage locker, contact Kent for door codes if required)
• Eli: Wasteland 3 game references the Denver Convention Center and Denvention, including various con-specific items! Not sure if someone on the game team attended or just found it online
• Erin: Next launch of the Falcon Heavy has been postponed until next year.
• You are now eligible for booster shots if you have Pfizer, 6 months and within an appropriate category (over 65, etc.)
• Eli: We lost our business card for Kyle Crutcher that goes with the rocket. Karen provided a new one.
• Arlen: MeowWolf was cool.
• Eli: Interactive Van Gogh exhibit was either great or not great depending on your personal results. 4 projectors, 20 minutes.

Adjourn: 9:25pm